
Hot Water Tanks

We Specialize In The Following

Hot Water Tank Repairs

Hot Water Tank Replacements

Hot Water Tank Maintenance

Emergency Shut Off Replacement

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Hot Water Tank Repairs

We’ve all had the problem where we go to take a shower, or wash the dishes, or fill the sink and there is no hot water. At that moment, you go down to check on your hot water tank, and you attempt to fix the problem. Whether it be a burnt out thermocouple/thermopile, safety switch trip, pressure switch error, or any other error code that may pop up, we’re here to help you get back in business. We know how frustrating it can be with a house full of kids, guests, or simply by yourself, without any hot water. We will come out and offer up front pricing with no hidden fees, and fix it the same day.

Hot Water Tank Replacements

Uh oh…you’ve just wandered into your basement to do a load of laundry and found water all over the floor. Oftentimes, this is due to an old hot water tank that has finally given out. We can come out and remove your old hot water tank, and install a new one right away.

Maybe it’s not an emergency. Eventually, your water heater will need to be replaced. We install a variety of makes and models, from traditional tanks to new high efficient models that save money on your energy bills. Let us help by recommending the right solution for you based on your budget, hot water requirements and priorities.

If you need a traditional hot water tank, we install tanks from trusted brands like:

Hot Water Tank Maintenance

It’s easy to take our hot water tanks for granted, until they stop working. Generally, a hot water tank should last anywhere from 8-10 years. You can prolong the life of your tank by getting scheduled maintenance performed on it every 1-2 years. This will also keep your hot water tank working at a more efficient level. Did you know that after 5 years your water heater loses between 30-40% of its efficiency due to hard water? Schedule us today to have your water heater maintained and serviced.

Emergency Shut Off Replacement

Let’s go back to that water all over the floor in your basement. When you rush over to shut off the water to your tank, you try to shut the valve off but can’t, because of how stiff it is. It’s good to work this valve every couple months to ensure this issue doesn’t happen. The last thing you want is to have to turn off the water to your entire home, losing both your cold and hot water at the same time. We generally recommend replacing the isolation valve to your tank whenever replacing the tank, but it may be wise to look at this before your tank begins to leak, ensuring you will be able to turn the water for the tank off in an emergency.

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